What We Do

The families in our care come from all over the city of Philadelphia; they come to us from the City of Philadelphia’s central intake system for homeless services. Geographically, our emergency shelter and most of our community housing units reside in West Philadelphia neighborhoods. Families Forward’s target population is families experiencing homelessness. This is defined as single parents and spouses with children. The following information is from 2023.

People Served.

Family Residence: 133 Families 401 Individuals 244 Children

Community Supportive Housing: 82 Families 261 Parents and Children 171 Children




Disabling Condition


Family Residence: Positive moveouts - 83

Community Supportive Housing:* Positive moveouts - 28

*Our Community Supportive Housing program provides longer-term support to families, so lower move-out rates are expected when compared to our Family Residence

Supportive Services

  • Family Residence Case Managers - 3

    Community Supportive Housing Case Mangers - 3

    Families connected with case management - 100%

  • Employer Partners - 24

    Vocational Partners - 8

    Successful hires - 80

    Vocational referrals - 103

  • Children ages 0-5 in early childhood

    education programing - 35%

    Weekly tutoring attendance – 15%

    Parenting class attendance – 20%

    Students receiving uniform support – 95%

  • Lactation suite onsite in Family Residence

    Free store onsite for basic necessities at move-in and move-out

    Fall Fest – family fun festival

    Winter Wonderland – holiday toy shopping event