
Meet Sadie and Quinn!

“We strive to break the cycle of homelessness by working with schools, parents, and kids.”

For education manager, Sadie Sprague-Lott and education coordinator, Quinn Soto, education means many things.

GED prep. Uniforms. Parenting classes. Tutoring. Transportation. IEP navigation. Attendance concerns. Technical training programs. Daycare subsidies. And so much more. Whether it’s a parent who wants to go back to school or a teen who needs working papers from the school district – Sadie and Quinn have resources to help.

The Families Forward Philadelphia Education Department works to support the youth and adults in the Family Residence and Community Supportive Housing Program to achieve educational goals. Sadie and Quinn focus on community building within the shelter through events and activities that are held.

One of the main goals of the education department is to ensure that families are provided with information on the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, which ensures the rights of children and youth experiencing homelessness. Children and youth experiencing homelessness must be provided with appropriate public education including transportation, uniforms, supplies, and enrollment.

2023 Education Statistics:

  • 35% of our participants 0-5 attend early childhood education programming (much higher than the average in shelters — according to BELL). 

  • 20% of our population attends a weekly parenting program.

  • We supply 95% of our population with uniforms through the McKinney-Vento Act.

  • 15% of our student population attended weekly tutoring put on by FFP Education Team.

  • The education department does outreach to 100% of our population for education services including childcare enrollments, GED services, school transfers, IEP meetings, and additional support services. 

  • Attended 14 student meetings since September 2023 with Philadelphia School District Schools to work on supporting student needs. 

  • Worked with 7 schools this year to support students.

  • “The in-house tutoring program I began a month ago has seen several students who have taken a strong interest in regularly attending. While walking the halls of the shelter I am frequently asked by kids if tutoring is today. Kids who come are excited to have an opportunity to talk about themselves and learn in a low-stress environment while building their confidence. This has led to kids in the shelter talking to each other about it and getting each other more interested and excited."

For more information about our Education Program

Please contact our Education Coordinator, Quinn Soto.